Why Choose an Air Source Heat Pump?

Considering the way in which the climate situation is unfolding it is only natural to want to do everything you can to do your part, and air source heat pumps are a fantastic way in which to reduce the carbon footprint of your home. Not only are they good for the environment though, they also provide many advantages which will benefit you.
Reduced Bills
Heat pumps ensure a large reduction in energy consumption. They will help you reduce your energy costs considerably as you make use of the outside air in place of coal, gas or electricity-based heating, making it a highly cost-effective option. It is easy to tailor your running costs to your energy needs.
Designed for Ease of Installation, Servicing and Repair
The system can be installed in as little as two days. There is barely any maintenance hassle and air source heat pumps only require an annual check to make sure they are performing optimally. If such basic maintenance is taken care of, an air source heat pump can last up to 20 years.
Year-round Heating and Cooling
The technology works effectively in spite of temperature extremes, be it the summer heat or the depths of winter. These heat pumps can generate temperatures of up to 40 degrees inside, when outdoors it could be as low as minus 30 degrees.
Environmentally Friendly
It reduces your carbon footprint as you make the switch from coal or gas heating which minimises your carbon emissions. They can be made further environmentally friendly by using electricity from renewable sources, such as wind or solar power. Eco House Solutions can combine our market-leading heat pump technology with solar panels in your home, to give you a complete package. These are compliant with Eco-design and Eco-labelling.
These are just a few of the reasons why you should consider an air source heat pump for your home. Visit our website for more information about the benefits and features.
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