We recently had the honour of welcoming Suella Braverman, member of parliament (MP) for Fareham since 2015 and the Attorney General for England and Wales, to discuss the ongoing environmental crisis and our work in the field of Green Solutions.

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Planning to have air conditioning installed in your home? With so many different brands and types available, choosing the right one can often be a problem. However, if you are looking for a more effective and energy efficient solution than a traditional air conditioning unit, look no further than an air source heat pump.

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Considering an air source heat pump for your home? These systems are eco-friendly and deliver hot water to your home quickly and efficiently. The best part is that you may qualify for quarterly rebates after the installation of a heat pump.

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A heat pump is a proven technology that offers substantial carbon savings compared to heating systems that burn fossil fuels for the purpose of heating. Being a well-established technology, there has been a lot of technological advancement which has further improved the efficiency of these systems.

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Air source heat pumps offer one of the most economical ways of heating your swimming pools. The heat pump does not require any heating element such as gas or oil, instead using a minimal amount of electricity in the process.

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Energy efficiency has become the need of the hour with ever-increasing costs causing difficulties to businesses across all industries. If you are planning to set up a dairy unit, it’s important to think of solutions that will help you cut costs in the long run. Energy expenses take up a major chunk of the monthly operating costs in a dairy unit with electricity required for water heating.

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The largest expense for a Dairy Farm is the cost of heated water for cleaning. Did you know that heating water accounts for as much as 23% of the total energy costs? Each milking point itself requires almost 18 litres of hot water for circulation cleaning. Your choice of heating system has a big impact on the level of monthly expenditure that goes towards energy use. The best solution to minimise these energy costs is by installing an efficient system for heating.

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Heat pumps are one of the most economical ways of heating domestic and commercial swimming pools. They are economical both in terms of expenditure and when it comes to their energy consumption and impact on the environment. Air source heat pumps offer the most efficient way to heat your swimming pool, as well as guaranteeing superior performance, due to many factors, including:

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Traditional boilers use gas or oil in order to generate heat. While these are effective, the burning process emits carbon dioxide which has a negative impact on the environment. Biomass boilers make use of solid materials such as wood shavings, pellets and chips as a fuel for generating heat.

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Air Source pumps are beneficial to the environment as well as your pockets. But what exactly sets them apart from other heating systems?

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A domestic hot water system (DHW) provides hot water for domestic purposes such as kitchen, tubs, bathroom sinks, and other household appliances. At Eco House Solutions, our combined heating and cooling systems make use of free and renewable energy sources, making your system cost-effective and environmentally friendly. The options for district heating and domestic hot water solutions could not be made easier or more environmentally friendly, with our high standard, cost-effective solutions.

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A ground source or geothermal heat pump is a low cost central heating system that makes use of natural heat for functioning. It transfers the heat absorbed from the ground, using it to power the system. This system is not just highly reliable but also reduces the operational costs of heating. Natural heat is an abundantly available resource and makes an advanced and cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels. Natural heat as an alternative offers you complete freedom from the use of oil and gas.

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Sustainable energy solutions are becoming more important than ever, but while getting your system installed, one thing that you should be careful about is choosing the right company to install your system for you. There are quite a few benefits of choosing the right installer, alongside the benefits that come with choosing the right system. Eco House Solutions provides you with an unrivalled range of planet-preserving energy solutions.

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In recent days, there has been a considerable amount of press coverage about the inefficiency of the Government’s Green Deal.

The Deal itself is a superb idea – encouraging UK homeowners to make their homes less carbon intensive by installing grant-aided, eco-friendly energy systems. But there’s a big problem! It has now emerged that only a tiny amount of the £1.5bn budget set aside for the scheme has been allocated.

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In the case of biomass boiler installations, most households do not require planning permissions to carry out small additions or extensions as it falls under ‘permitted development’. Planning permission is not necessary for internal components of the system, and for external flue onto house/block/flats. It is normally permitted development, provided that the following conditions are met:

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Fluctuating fossil fuels costs and the ever-increasing environmental concerns have increased the demand for renewable energy. Modern wood heating systems make an eco-friendly and economical alternative to conventional fossil fuel heating systems. Here are a few reasons why these make a better option

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The UK government this week pledged to ban gas boilers from new-build homes by 2023 – two years earlier than previously planned.  

This commitment is a key part of a £12 billion, 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution, announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The plan also signalled that replacement gas boilers in older properties should be phased out by 2035. 

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Biomass is one of the oldest sources of energy and has certain specific properties. It is a renewable energy source since it is abundantly available and its supplies are not limited. Making use of Biomass in boilers offers quite a few economic and environmental benefits. Apart from the financial savings, conservation of fossil fuel resources and a reduction in harmful emissions are just some of the positive effects.

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The initial outlay for getting a system such as Heat Pump Heating, Cooling Systems and Biomass Boilers could be quite substantial. If financing is something that is holding you back, there are quite a few financing options available for the same. Eco House Solutions Ltd is an introducer, appointed representative of Ideal Sales Solutions Ltd, T/A Ideal4Finance.

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Air source heat pumps are a great alternative to conventional heating solutions. You can generate heat while at the same time reducing both your carbon footprint and monthly energy bills.

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Air source heat pumps are an energy-efficient and economical way of heating your spa. While we have already seen the benefits of air source heat pumps for heating homes, commercial spaces or swimming pools, the use of these for spas is equally beneficial too.

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Ground source heat pumps can be powered by renewable power sources such as photovoltaic solar panels which take their energy efficiency to another level.
A photovoltaic (PV) system makes use of solar energy to generate electricity. This system incorporates multiple solar panels combined with an inverter along with other electrical and mechanical hardware to generate electricity. PV systems can be scaled as per the requirement and can suit anything from a small rooftop or a portable system to a large scale generation plant.

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At Eco House Solutions, we supply Viessmann air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps. These are highly beneficial when compared to traditional fossil fuel boiler, both eco friendly and highly efficient, often reducing energy bills. Crucially these heat pumps can be used all year round, as low as -20 degrees Celcius. However, the systems also provide an adaptive cooling feature along with weather compensating controls.

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Viessmann is well known as an environmental pioneer for its sustainable heating solutions. Offering various heating and hot water solutions using traditional fossil fuels (gas and oil), to modern air source, ground source and biomass or solar thermal heating systems.

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The term 'economies of scale' perfectly applies to large scale heating systems as these provide an economical and environmentally friendly heating solution for a network of buildings or a complex.
A large scale heating network distributes heat that is generated at a centralised location and distributed through a network of insulated pipes. This system can be successfully installed for residential or commercial spaces to take care of the heating and hot water requirements.

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An outdated heating system in a spa or leisure centre can cost you quite a bit in the long run with the ever-escalating upkeep and energy bills. 

Spas require continuous water heating facilities for the hot tubs or jet pools. What if you could use a sustainable energy source that will also bring down your energy costs considerably? Our air source heat pumps can be effectively used for spas as well.

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What is MCS and how does it benefit you?

MCS or the Microgeneration Certification Scheme certifies the products, as well as the installation company to ensure that appropriate products are installed to high standards. MCS products are all low producers of carbon emissions and are environmentally friendly. MCS certified installers provide equipment that is a good standard of performance and good for the environment.

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Ecohouse Solutions have successfully achieved their MCS (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) Installer certification- excellent news for our customers and us. 

Did you know that installing MCS approved products are a necessary part of applying for RHI incentives on your renewable energy heating and hot water solution? Furthermore, not all suppliers are certified, meaning you can be assured of a higher quality standard and set of values.

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Concerns about global warming and the effect of climate change are escalating by the day. But there are now viable, cost effective, sustainable alternatives available that will allow you to do your bit for the environment and are at the same time financially beneficial too. Biomass boilers are one such option, by replacing oil and gas with sustainably resourced wood pellets, it will help you save on to your energy bills and be eco-friendly at the same time.

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Viessmann has been named as the top Energy & Heat brand for 2019 in the Handelsblatt Brand of the Year rankings.

Over 900,000 people took part in online interviews conducted by researchers YouGov. 

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An air source heat pump transfers the heat drawn by a fan from the outside air to an indoor space. This heat is transferred via an evaporator that is situated within the heat pump. The refrigerant that circulates inside the pump is then further compressed using a compressor to produce more heat. The heat produced in this process is transferred in a heat exchanger to the heating and hot water systems in your home. This system is versatile and can be used for several different water heating purposes, including swimming pool heating.

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Report from Sky News 26th November 2019, reporting on greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hitting a record high in 2018 and leading to more extreme weather.

Image credited to Sky News.

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Air source heat pumps are not a new thing, using the reverse technology of a fridge, they have been around for some time. Now they are actively sought as an effective and viable alternative to burning ever more expensive fossil fuels. Better still, they are actually encouraged with the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). If you are interested in this new technology or planning to get an air source heat pump installed, then here are a few considerations to help you make that decision.

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At Eco House Solutions we supply heating and hot water solutions using only environmentaly friendly energy sources. Our systems work using the renewable and naturally occurring sources of heat (energy) in the ground and air. None of our systems make use of energy derived from burning fossil fuels. We are proud members of The Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC).

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The Guardian investigates the fossil fuel industry and the structures behind it which are driving the climate emergency.

At Eco House Solutions, we firmly believe that installing environmentally friendly heating and hot water solutions are the future and here's why:

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Do you have a central heating and hot water system in place that you are not happy with? Old, inefficient, not delivering, or wanting to do more to reduce your carbon footprint?

Well, we have some good news for you. We can incorporate our Viessmann air source heat pump (ASHP) into your existing system and save you money - we guarantee it.

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Did you know that you can now save money and heat your swimming pool the eco-friendly way? An air source heat pump for heating up a swimming pool is both highly effective and energy-efficient.

At Eco House Solutions, we supply Viessmann air source heat pumps, which use renewable energy that can save you money and at the same time are environmentally friendly. As a swimming pool heating system, this is high quality, reliable and uses the latest technology. This system can effectively and efficiently heat any size swimming pool without escalating your energy bills.

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Eco House Solutions are very excited to be installing Viessmann products. For over 100 years, Viessmann has been a world-leading manufacturer of heating products and are well known for their high standards of engineering design and reliability in the products that they manufacture.

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Eco House Solutions are proud members of RECC (Renewable Energy Consumer Code). This code was set up by the Renewable Energy Association to guarantee a high-quality experience for those looking for small-scale, energy generation systems for their homes. Abiding by this code means that the company agrees to stand by the high standards set out here.

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The team proudly showcased the latest heat exchanger technology at the 2019 Royal Bath and West Show this weekend.

Supplying heat exchanger technology to provide domestic hot water and heating, warm any size swimming pool, jacuzzi and hot tub, warm water for dairy farms and also cooling milk - the possibilities are endless as are the potential savings!

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Air Source Heat Pumps or Heat Exchangers make a very efficient alternative heating system for hot water heating. The system works on the same principles as your standard refrigerator system. The pump absorbs the heat from the outside air which is then used to heat radiators, underfloor heating systems and for heating water in your home. They can also heat swimming pools, hot tubs, jacuzzis and dairy farms.

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Eco House Solutions are now proud members of The Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC).

RECC members are firms selling small-scale renewable, low carbon, heat or power generation units who have agreed to comply with the Renewable Energy Consumer Code. This Code is backed by the Trading Standards Institute as part of its self-regulation initiative - the Consumer Codes Approval Scheme.

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Underfloor heating systems come with a number of benefits. Here are six compelling advantages that they provide in the home:  
  1. An underfloor heating system can be a big cost saver. Although the initial set-up expense might be higher, the long-term savings on energy bills will compensate for this. 
  2. This type of heating system ensures that heat is distributed evenly throughout the house. Your home will also benefit from a continuous flow of clean air in your home.

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Since our heat exchanger system requires significantly less energy to function, it means you can enjoy a substantial cost-saving benefit. Technologically advanced, the system makes use of the outside air through a refrigerant, via a compressor, to generate heat, meaning it consumes far less energy compared to other systems. The result – greatly reduced energy bills!

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If you have read our previous articles, we have listed many great reasons why a heat exchanger system makes the best option for heating up a swimming pool or how it brings down the costs of hot water heating on a dairy farm.
This article talks about why it is advantageous to use an air source heat pump or heat exchanger to heat up your jacuzzi.

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Newspaper article in The Sun on 22nd Feb 2019

Protect yourself from fuel inflation by installing an eco-friendly alternative that is guaranteed to save you money. 

Five of 'The Big Six' are foreign owned, consider what could happen to energy prices in the UK once Brexit happens?

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Article from national newspaper - The Mirror

It is proposed that new build homes should be more energy efficient and this includes banning gas boilers.

An eco friendly solution is an air source heat pump or heat exchanger system installed by Eco House Solutions - unlike all other systems this will reduce your fuel bill and this is guaranteed.


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Eco House Solutions are at Dairy Tech - today, 6th Feb 2019!

Dairy Tech is a show for innovation and new technology to help the dairy farm industry. This is exactly what we offer with our new heat exchanger technology.


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Ever escalating energy costs and environmental concerns are making everyone consider a switch to more energy efficient and eco friendly solutions for their working farms.
Dairy farms face many challenges, including increasing energy costs and issues concerning environmental impact. Dairy Farms are noww starting to alter and update their hot water management practices to ensure efficient utilisation of precious and costly resources. Many Dairy Farms are now investing in solutions that are both cost effective, ensure energy conservation and at the same time do not have adverse effects on the environment.

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We are really excited to be showcasing our new innovative heat pump technology for dairy farm hot water heating this year on 6th February in Coventry. 

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A heated swimming pool can be a costly affair with the wrong heating technology.

A heat exchange system for heating up a swimming pool is highly effective as well as energy efficient. With this system in place you can considerably cut down on your energy bills. The heat exchanger system makes use of the outside air to generate heat and increase the temperature of the water.

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Heat exchangers or Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) make one of the most effective heating systems available.
These exchangers absorb heat from the outside air which can then be used to heat radiators, underfloor heating systems and hot water in your home. With advanced refrigerant, it continues to draw heat from the air even when the temperature is as low as -15° C.

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The heat exchange technology that air source heat pumps now utilise can make them the most cost-effective option for your domestic heating requirements.

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Domestic Hot Water (DHW) heat pumps make one of the most efficient options for domestic water heating. Offering quite a few benefits over the other heating systems in terms of efficiency and cost effectiveness.
The installation process for DHW Heat Pumps is relatively simple. Our system is top quality and also very easy to operate.

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Air Source Heat Pumps make a very efficient alternative heating system for water heating.
The pumps work on the principle of absorbing heat from the outside air which is then used to heat radiators, underfloor heating systems or warm air convectors and heat water in your home.

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Using an Air Source Heat Pump cleverly installed into your heating system, you can easily help save up to 90% of your heating bills on energy and fuel. These are the best means to heat your home and generate maximum heat at lower costs. If these replace electric, oil, LPG or coal systems, then the savings are very substantial.

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The underfloor heating system is popular as it is one of the most efficient heat sources that require lower running temperatures to operate capably and the Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) is ideal for underfloor heating. It works on the principle of heat exchange, just like your normal refrigerator, and absorbs heat from the outside air which is then used for heating under floor systems in your home. The system works even when the outside temperature is as low as -15° C. An under floor heating system operates under the rooms floor which in turn heats up the room itself. The system generates temperatures of 40°C to 65°C. 

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Air to air heat exchanger systems are one of the most cost efficient systems to heat up your home. These heat pumps work just like your normal refrigerator works but in reverse. These systems absorb heat from the outside air which can be used to heat radiators, underfloor heating systems, warm air convectors and endless hot water in your home. These systems work even when the temperature is as low -15°C.

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Domestic hot water heaters, using the air source heat pumps, make the most cost effective option for heating up your home. These heat pumps absorb heat from the outside air which can be used to heat radiators, underfloor heating systems, warm air convectors and heat hot water in your home. The air pump water heaters can function well even when the temperature is as low as -15°C. Here are a few advantages of these systems:

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"One million families will not meet basic fuel needs this winter"

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"Very impressed with the installation from start to finish. Very reliable and always available to answer any questions. Would recommend this company".

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Independent Newspaper 2017: According to Citizens Advise 2017 - 2.28m British households are now living in fuel poverty. Calculations by Citizens Advice revealed gas prices rose eight times higher than the average income in the UK and this trend is continuing into 2018.
Global unrest, increases in consumption, economic uncertainty and resource availability are all expected to cause fuel bills to continue to rise for the foreseeable future. The UK is fortunate to be spatially located next to a large gas reserve in the North Sea. This resource is obviously finite and there is a real lack of investment in renewable technologies to provide the energy mix needed to reduce our reliance on natural gas and other fossil fuels in the near future.

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Guardian Today: Report by charity, National Energy Action, fronted by Daniel Blake actor Dave Johns says, "Government must give more support. Four million households in Britain face restricted life chances because their homes are cold". Photographer, Graham Turner for the Guardian Tuesday 29 November 2016 00.01 GMT. "A child born in Britain today may never see fuel poverty eradicated". 

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Evening Express "Inflation is expected to surge to a five-year high when official figures are released next week as rising airfares, fuel and electricity prices ratchet up the financial pressure on households". The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation is forecast to come in at 3% for September, marking its highest level since April 2012 and on the cusp of forcing Bank of England Governor Mark Carney to publicly explain why the rate has risen to such an extent. Fuel prices are also expected to lift CPI – after Hurricane Harvey disrupted US oil production – adding to pressure from a 12.5% price hike by British Gas that took effect mid-September. 

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"British Gas raises prices by 12.5%". So from today, more than three million British Gas customers, on its standard variable tariff, will be hit with a 12.5% rise in prices which is the equivalent of an average, extra £76 a year added to your bills.

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Whilst our Head Office is based in Portsmouth, we survey and install in - Berkshire, Breconshire, Cheshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, East Sussex, West Sussex, Essex, Glamorgan, Hampshire, Herefordshire, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Monmouthshire, North Wales, Somerset, Surrey, Worcestershire, St Albans, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bromley, Cardiff, Chester, Chelmsford, Croydon, Crewe, Dartford, Enfield, Exeter, Gloucester, Guildford, Harrow, Hemel Hempstead, Hereford, Ilford, Kingston upon Thames, Llandrindod, Llandudno, Newport, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Redhill, Romford, Southampton, Salisbury, SW London, Taunton, Tunbridge Wells, Torquay, Truro, Southall, Warrington, Watford and Worcester.